Time is a strange phenomenon. They call it the fourth dimension, the only form of travel that man has never mastered. We’re stuck in the present and there’s a reason for that. In fact, I’m surprised there isn’t a religion based on the worship of time, there’s one for everything else!
However, there is an app on almost everyone’s phone which gives you instant access to time, at least one version of it. It’s even got it in the name.
Google Timeline, (other time related apps are available).
Providing you have appropriate permissions turned on, you can view where you were on a certain day, at a certain time.
Bear with me, there’s a method in my madness. Have you ever had the contrasting feelings that you’ve been somewhere ages but similarly, it seems like yesterday when you arrived? Well, one week on and I feel exactly like that. It seems like an age since I was ploughing the lonely furrow to the Dog and Rabbit to drown the past in Almasty Session; yet, surely it was only yesterday when I boarded the ferry at Portsmouth. Time, eh?
Whatever one’s thoughts are about time, the old adage that it’s a good healer, only comes in certain circumstances. For example, it’s exactly one week since I arrived in Brittany, yet I feel like a different person. At least to the one that literally existed for twelve months. If you don’t believe me, read the next chapter of Sesame Seed here.
It’s coming along a treat now.
Check out your timeline, unless you’re an international jet-setter, you’ll be surprised! Here’s mine from one day last week. One of the best days I’ve had in a long time. They’ll only get better.